Monday, August 18, 2008

No More Cast for Mesele!

If you asked Mesele what one of the highlights of our trip was for him, I'm sure he would say, "CAST OFF!"
After our first week oc camping, we went to Kaslo and saw a doctor who didn't help us at all. Brent and I left that doctor and decided that after a few more days he would cut Mesele's cast off himself. (sorry if some of you don't like that idea, but ummm...... yeah, sorry.)

Mesele was one happy boy as that cast came off and he could see his arm again! Now he would be able to play in the lake and we wouldn't have to put a plastic bag over his arm or tell him to keep his arm up, etc.

Here, Brent is just washing some of the goop off Mesele's arm and I'm sure you can tell by the smile on Mesele's face just how happy he is to be rid of that cast!

After getting the cast off, both boys wanted to try out their boxing skills. They put of the gloves and took some shots at daddy.

I think we just might have some future boxers!

Notice how Abinet needs to have his tongue sticking out of his mouth. He was concentrating so hard on getting just the perfect shot!

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