Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Bestest Friends

We just got back from another holiday. Don't worry.....I think we should be done traveling for a little while!

This last weekend we were in Calgary for a ball tournament. (I won't go into details about that cuz....umm..well, let's just not go there.)
After the tourny was done, we got to visit with our friends, Jen and Duff Gibson. They traveled with us to Ethiopia and adopted the best friends to our boys!

It is so cool to watch just how close these little guys are to eachother. On Monday, we all went to Calaway Park and Mesele and Gedion went ahead of us and were holding hands. PRECIOUS!

They all had lots of fun going on rides (if they were tall enough!), playing in a pit of balls, and just being with eachother. They are all such good friends. The first picture is of Gedion and Mesele and this one is of Abinet and Taye. What a bunch of Cutie-Patooties!

The last ride we did were the bumper cars. You had to be there to understand how much we laughed and why. All I can say is, it's a good thing these guys won't be driving real cars for a while!

Thanks Duff and Jen for a wonderful time! We love you guys and your precious little boys so much!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi Cindy! I've been reading back on your blog here to catch up on all I've missed. You just became a mom this past March!! Congratulations! I can't believe the challenges you must have faced at the start to bring home two boys who didn't speak your language and are in the toddler/preschool stage!
Anyway...I hope we run into you in person soon, it's great to find you again.