Friday, January 9, 2009

From Mountains to Molehills

On Christmas morning, Mesele and Abinet got these new sleds from Grandma and Grandpa. I'm not sure they new exactly what "sleds" were, but they were excited anyways!
All the kids were soon outside, building sledding runs down the hill in the backyard. There were 4 runs in all, and they all merged into one lane at the bottom.
Some lanes had jumps where you could get some pretty good air! Yes, we had some wipeouts and faceplants, and even the odd tear did fall, but overall everyone had a really good time.

Once we got home to Saskatchewan, the boys wanted to go sledding in our backyard. Well, I'm not sure if you have all seen our yard, but we have NO hill whatsoever!
That didn't stop these boys. They saw the little pile of snow that is in the front yard from when Daddy shovels the driveway and they got all excited! They pulled out their sleds and enjoyed the VERY short ride to the bottom!

They had a good time, and that's all that matters!

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