Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pure Silliness!

Everyone once in a while you just gotta have some fun taking silly pictures. The boys were a little bit hyper, so we thought we would take advantage of that and try and get some fun pictures together.

The boys love to show off their "happy face" and when you ask them to show their "sad face" it's so funny to watch! Mesele can hold that pouty face for quite a while, but Abinet can only hold it for a second and then he bursts into a big smile again.

Brent taught the boys how to do the "funny face" and they just loved that! I'm not sure how these boys can still look cute when making that face because it sure doesn't work for me!

Sometimes you just gotta be goofy!


Ray and Jill said...

Can you guys put some video of your family dance moves on the blog? I think that would most definitely be blog-worthy! The best dancing Mennonites I have ever seen - you guys are awesome!

Anonymous said...

zfWhich is the goofy picture?