Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm Back Home!!

Well, my trip in Alberta is done. I had a great, yet emotional time with my sister. It was so good to spend some time with her just being goofy and also to see my neices and nephews again.

I left her place on Friday morning and the trip home went really well. The boys travelled very well. In fact, they slept a large majority of the way!

When we got home, the boys were so excited to see Daddy! On Saturday morning, they went into our bedroom to wake up daddy. They each found one of his feet and started doing their new favorite game....."This little piggy..." It was so cute! These two little guys sure love their daddy!

Well, I hope there are still some people that are reading this blog. If you are reading this, have a wonderful, fun-filled day and I will be posting more pictures soon!


Anonymous said...

Of course there are people out there reading your blog! It is one that I check everyday.

Unknown said...

We're still reading and I'm glad to see "this little piggy" being put to such good use! Should be interesting when they get older and hear someone do it the "original" way and they'll say "That's not how it goes! It's, this little piggy went to CHURCH and this little piggy had CHICKEN!"