Friday, July 11, 2008

Our Brave Little Boy!

Well, today Mesele got his first cast. We went to the doctor around supper time, and I was so impressed with how brave this little guy is. Before we saw the doctor, he asked me if he could cry. I told him that if his "owie" hurt when the doctor was working on him he could cry. The whole time the doctor was working on him, I kept asking how he was, and he just kept telling me, "no hurt!"

He doesn't seem to be bothered by the cast at all, and he likes the fact that he can knock on the cast and it doesn't hurt him. I hope he will sleep better tonight!

Abinet doesn't seem to mind that Mesele is getting all the attention right now. He is just happy that he can still wrestle with his brother!

I love how close these two little guys are! They love eachother so much!

Anyway....that was my day. Thanks for all the phonecalls and concern you all had for Mesele. He's one tough little man, and I don't think that a broken arm is going to slow him down that much at all!!



Unknown said...

Can I doodle on his cast?

Anonymous said...

You didn't break him! It's just another one of those "rights of passage" of motherhood. We've not had any broken bones, yet, but we have had stitches. And knocked out teeth. And black eyes. And many falls down stairs. And the list could go on. You are everything those two need and more. Don't be to hard on yourself!