Monday, September 8, 2008

Pictures of Our Home in Ethiopia

Brent and I ordered a book that will be a keepsake forever! CAFAC emailed us info about a book that was put together to give more information about the region on Kembata in Ethiopia. This is the region where our boys are from, so we ordered the book.
The boys have loved looking through this book and pointing out things that they seem to remember.

This morning, I asked them to find a picture of their house. They looked carefully until they found the right page. They both shout, "there it is!" and proudly point to a one room grass hut. There is one bed, and half of the house is where the animals (cows) stay. It's sad and amazing that they can show us these things! After looking at that little grass hut, I can understand why they keep telling people now that they live in a BIG, BIG house!

1 comment:

Jill said...

It brings tears to my eyes when I think how blessed we have all been by knowing your two little boys for just 1/2 a year now. They are awesome little boys!!! Good idea to get this book for them to look at and remember - that's important!