Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brave Little Water Bugs!

I am assuming that you are all getting tired of seeing pictures of our time in BC, so I will show just a few more and then I wil be done.

I just love this picture of Mesele and Abinet. They were soaking up the sun while sitting on the rocks with a beautiful mountain and lake behind them! How perfect is that!?!?

One day we were trying to get Abinet brave enough to jump in the water. He would do the countdown and then come up with about 5 different excuses about why he wasn't quite ready to jump in yet. We just had to be a little patient in the water and eventually he would jump to us. What a little CUTIE!

Mesele was another brave guy. He would jump off a log that was about 3 feet off the water and he didn't want anyone there to catch him. On this particular jump, he's looking at the rest of us and saying, "I'M BRAVE!"

I was so glad that both boys loved the water so much. It was a little colder than pool water, and even though their teeth were chattering, they still wanted to play and jump in!

What can I say except, THEY'RE BRAVE!

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