Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We're Back From Our Holiday!

We made it back safely from our first family vacation! We had such a good time and I have a lot of pictures to share with you. Let's start at the beginning when we first left.....

We left home on July 26th (i think) and started a long day of driving. The boys did so well in the van. They talked A LOT, watched a movie or two and entertained Brent and I
with thier silly talk and games.

We decided to stop in Drumheller to let the boys see some dinosaurs! I wish you could have seen how big their eyes were. Everytime they saw one, they would scream and point! We took them to the GIANT T-rex and we climbed inside. They had so much fun looking at the paintings inside and seeing the big bones. These little guys just loved seeing all the dinosaurs!!

Stay tuned for more pictures and stories from our holidays!

By the way......It's soooooo good to be home!

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