Monday, August 25, 2008

Fishin' At Jan Lake

On Thursday, we left with Brent's family to go to Jan Lake for the weekend. There were 15 of us in all and we all had a really good time.

Everyday we would head out in the boat to see if we could catch any fish. Mesele was so excited, but I wasn't sure if he would understand that he might not catch a fish. Well... I was wrong. Not only did this little man catch one fish, he caught THREE! He would even hold them when everyone wanted to take a lot of pictures.

Abinet didn't have the same luck with catching fish. He would only let his hook down about three feet and then he would yank it back up again. I was so happy that he did so well in the boat. I thought that he would stay out in the boat for a couple hours and then want to come home, but he was content to fish all day long with the rest of us.

As for the rest of us.....well, we all caught quite a few fish (except for Mom, Abinet and Brielle) and had a lot of fun hanging out together.

Thanks for the weekend mom and dad! We really enjoyed our time there!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Don't forget about me, I didn't catch a fish either!