Monday, October 6, 2008

Another Injury

Hello everybody! I'm back with some more pictures to share with you all. These probably aren't the best pictures to be sharing, as they involve more injuries. with toddlers involves almost daily injuries now! The other day, Abinet and I took Mesele to pre-school. After we dropped him off, Abinet wanted to go for a long bike ride around town. He LOVES riding bike, especially now that he is on a "big" bike and not a tricycle. Well, we started off and headed towards the one "hill" in Osler. When Abinet got to the hill, he tried one of Mesele's tricks which included lifting your feet off the peddles and trying to balance.Ummm......Abinet doens't balance so good. His bike started to wobble and he couldn't stop it. Yes, he was wearing a helmet, but the helmet didn't protect his little chin! I was so worried that he bit his tongue or worse, but thanfully, he just scaped up his chin. It was nothing that a Curious George Band-Aid couldn't fix!
As soon as George was stuck on him, he was as good as new. I actually had to ask him to make a sad face because he couldn't stop smiling! Yep.....he's cute!!


Anonymous said...

Is he EVER cute!!!!!!!! Glad it wasn't serious! ;) - Carissa

Unknown said...

That looks like one serious case of the poochie lip disease in that second photo!

Sarah said...

His eyelashes are killer!