Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Movie Night!

The other night, Daddy was gone for the evening so I decided to do a movie night with the boys. I was a little bit nervous because they have never sat through an entire movie before. One evening my friend Jill had been watching the boys, and she put in the the CARS movie. She told me that the boys seem to really like the little bit that they saw. I borrowed that movie from her and Mesele was just about jumping out of his skin when he found out that's what we were going to be watching!While the boys started the movie, I made supper and brought it to them. They ate at a little picnic table and, to their delight, they got to have pop!! I could get them to pose for the odd picture, but they really didn't like to be disturbed while watching! They peppered me with questions when they didn't understand what was happening in the movie, but still didn't like to tear their eyes away from the screen!
After supper was done, we all had a little bit of popcorn. It was so cute to watch them in their first movie experience. After the movie was done, Mesele looked at me and asked, "Can we watch it again, right now?" I guess they really liked the movie!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Those popcorn bag things are awesome!! The first movie that Riley sat through was NEMO. We've since watched it about a million times. I think the first one at the theater was CARS for Liam.
They look like they had a pretty sweet home movie night!