Friday, April 11, 2008

Play DOH!

Well, I had my first play-doh experience with Abinet and Mesele! They had so much fun mixing colors, making spaghetti, and "growing hair." I think this may have been the first time they really got to play with this stuff because everything was a new discovery for them. All I heard all afternoon while they were playing was, "MOMMY....look!" It was pretty cute to watch them have so much fun.

After they had played to a while, it was time to get ready for lunch. Boy oh boy.....did I ever have a mess to clean up!! There was play-doh EVERYWHERE! I think we started out with
about 6 different colors, and by the time we were done, there were only about 4 containers that I was able to fill back up again! The rest of the playdoh was down the stairs, on the floor or stuck somewhere on the boys!

Oh well, They had a good time and that is all that matters!!


Kelly said...

What a MESS! I never let my kids play with more than one color at a time - you are way more brave (or crazy!) than I am!!! It looks like they had a blast though:)

Anonymous said...

aw i love them so much! but like kelly said what a mess!!!

cjoyunger said...

Oh Play Doh! In my 7 years of nannying it was the one thing that I tried to talk my way out of over and over again! A great invention, but so very messy! After awhile it became a spring/summer/fall thing that would happen out on the deck and the kids would have to wash/pick it all off before they could go inside. Otherwise, I'd be finding lumps of it in the rug, in the dryer, etc. for the next week!

Anyway, hoping you're around in two weekends from now, as I'll be home and would love to meet your sweet boys!

~ Joy ~

Karla Kent said...

I just love looking at your pictures. You guys are awesome, brave, and creative parents. Your boys are absolutely adorable!